Vintage Fabulousness and Fun

We have known each other since our Freshman year in high school. About one million laughs later, we are in search of vintage items, cool stuff and a lot more laughs. It's addictive. Feed the monkey.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Oars in the Water

Getting all of our blogging oars in the water is harder than we thought. Writing funny things on Facebook is sort of good practice but we really want to go Big Time. Ha! So we try this and that and will make our share of blogging mistakes, but at least we can all laugh together about it, no?

I (Deb) will most likely do most of the writing. I should get all over Chris about that since we both wrote for our high school newspaper, so I know she can write. But I have a tendency to find a topic and then go all "dog with a bone" on it for at least a couple of paragraphs. Other times I ramble about some vintage hunt that made me get my granny panties in a bunch.

Vintage Gypsies will take you along with us on our vintage hunts, bitchin' finds and sometimes just stories that are least to us. We sell on Etsy at our store VintageGypsies (same as our Twitter handle) and have a Facebook page Vintage Gypsies. Feel free to like, tweet, comment or just read along.  I don't really get Twitter, but I do it on occasion and I'm trying.

My haunts are different that where Chris does her picking. Sort of makes it fun as we cover about 7 different counties between us. I cover Sonoma, Lake and Shasta Counties; Chris does the 4 around the greater Sacramento area. We have our reasons---you'll find them out soon enough.

Our picking goals are simple. Buy it either because you love it and must have it regardless of the cost OR, and our most popular, buy it because you can sell it at a profit.  We do have one problem with this and that is we need to sell more, but the picking is the FUN part. You never know what you will find. The selling is a lot of hard work, but we both have to work...might as well be fun. Our profits go back into the company (to buy more) and to get us out the door and traveling a little bit to buy or sell. Every trip is worth 1000 laughs, give or take a few.

My first offering this evening is only moments after finishing Thanksgiving dinner. I need to be thankful and should be thankful.  I have a wonderful family, great husband, 2 darling boys (22 and 19--ok, so maybe darling is a bit outdated for their age); and the list goes on.  So thank you.  I'm not sure who I am thanking, but there you go.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post!! Good luck with your "oars" -- if they're as hysterical as what you've written here, you'll surely have bunches of followers! (Happy to be your first -- found you on EVT.)
    I should really dust off my oars and stick them back in the water -- I've been remiss in blogging lately!
